
Abdurrahman Arfan

Information Systems Student
University of Indonesia

Hello, world! Arfan is here!

One of my experiences is working on projects using Django, TensorFlow, Spring Boot, and various other frameworks. I have also gained experience using Scrum methodology while working on these projects. Due to my interest in Machine Learning and Data Science, I participated in a 6-months Bootcamp at Bangkit Academy in 2022. I successfully graduated with a TensorFlow Developer Certificate and received a Distinction status. I am now eager to embark on new exciting adventures that await me in the future!!

After graduating from the University of Indonesia, I am working at ParagonCorp as a Software Engineer in the ERP Department. My role involves being an IT Ops responsible for maintaining the ERP system and also developing and improving the system based on the ticket using Odoo versions 11, 13, and 16.

For comprehensive information, I invite you to visit my LinkedIn profile, where you can delve into my professional background. Additionally, you can refer to my CV and Resume to gain further insights into my qualifications. Feel free to reach out to me via email or connect with me on Instagram for seamless and timely communication. I look forward to connecting with you!


Thanks for amazing people that I found in amazing community:


Software Engineer - ERP  @  Paragon Technology and Innovation
May 2023 - Present
Handle, monitor, and analyze requests and incidents from users associated to Supply Chain & Human Resources Information System Stream.
Develop and implement improvement for the ERP system to enhance efficiency and delivery speed using Odoo versions 11 and 13
Establish a QA culture for the ERP Department utilizing Cypress and Cucumber• Handle requests and incidents from users associated to Supply Chain & Human Resources Information System Stream • Monitor and analyze requests and incidents for enhanced comprehension • Develop and implement improvement for the ERP system to enhance efficiency and delivery speed using Odoo versions 11 and 13 • Establish a QA culture for the ERP Department utilizing Cypress and Cucumber
Software Engineer - ERP (Internship)  @  Paragon Technology and Innovation
Oct 2022 – Apr 2023
Preparing the migration to Odoo16.
Preaparing the E-Learning app on Odoo as a learning platform for ERP Department.
Create a module for registering the deployment of projects in ERP Department. This includes creating automation for generating reports in PDF and Excel format, creating a scheduler for some actions, generating ZIP files, etc.
Machine Learning Developer (Apprenticeship)  @  Traveloka Singapore
May 2022 – Jun 2022
This is a part of the Bangkit 2022 program. Traveloka Singapore gives us an opportunity to create a chatbot for optimizing customer operations. This project was developed by 3 groups from each of Bangkit’s learning paths.
Selected as the best team of the topic
Build the dataset manually, build the Machine Learning model and improve it continuously. Success to get higher than 93% validation accuracy and selected as the best team of the topic. Tech-stacks : Python, TensorFlow, Numpy, NLTK.
Teaching Assistant  @  University of Indonesia
Jan 2020 – Aug 2021
Teaching Assistant for Discrete Mathematics on 3 periods
Responsibilities include grading, giving additional lectures, and helping with any problems asked by more than 30 students